Premium Recycled Martini Glass | BeHome


Martini anyone? Premium Recycled Martini Glass by BeHome

This unmistakable glassware style is strengthened with a sturdy stem, perfect for a formal setting, or for playing a bartender at home. Handcrafted from 100% recycled glass, your guests will enjoy a truly one-of-a-kind cocktail knowing no two sips will ever be the same.

Other Details

  • 4.5" D x 6.75" H
  • Handmade in Bolivia.
  • Ethically crafted in small batches.

Caring for Your Items

Dishwasher & microwave safe

*Price is per martini glass

Our Mission

At Coastal Aire Design, we are passionate about helping each person build out their coastal dreams in their own home. We want to provide fresh ideas to fill your home with light, warmth and cozy touches. Your home should be a place where you feel your best and we want to help provide that.